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12 February 2025

Canford manufactures custom low profile, plug-and-play SMPTE panels for OB vehicle

SI/Dealer: Infigo Systems AS, Norway.

Application: OB truck upgrade with very limited depth behind the rack strip but also a requirement that the door at the front of the panels needed to close, with the incoming camera and audio cables connected.

Solution: A collaborative approach involving Helge Fjogstad of Norwegian SI/Dealer Infigo Systems AS, Canford’s metalwork factory in Dorset, Portland and our in-house Fibre Termination Department in Washington, Tyne & Wear. The experienced team designed the panels so that SMPTE connectors are angled downwards and recessed 50mm to allow for the required space at the front. In addition, Canford supplied the SMPTE cables which connect the panels to the CCU. These are pre-terminated with ST fibre and electrical connectors so this becomes a true “Plug and Play” solution on the SMPTE. This eliminates the need for costly on-site SMPTE termination. Another major benefit is that if a SMPTE connector should fail, the client can quickly and easily replace it while out in the field, reducing down time and the need for costly re-termination.

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