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10 February 2025


88 items

This range of blimp style, modular windshields and kits designed to almost any microphone body, capsule or stereo pair, to be shock-mounted and provided with varying degrees of wind-shielding. These Rycote wind-noise reduction systems are often used with shotgun and rifle microphones by film and TV professionals.

Nano Shield Windshield Kits

Nano Shield has been designed to be Rycoteā€™s smallest and lightest windshield within their portfolio. At around 30% lighter than Rycote modular windshield kits, Nano Shield Kits comprise of two basket halves that use magnetic locking, and a microphone mounting bar that requires only thumbwheel adjustment to setup. The kits include Rycote Advanced Lyre mounts (17-21), swivel arm with 3/8-inch thread adapter, Nano Shield Handle with PCS release, low profile XLR cable with built-in RF filter and switchable 80Hz low cut filter, low profile XLR3 digital cable, 360-degree adjustable (and reversible) XLR holder, and protective case.

The basket halves are designed in sizes A to D, and although the kits include specific baskets, all baskets are interchangeable. The model postfix shows the included basket for example NS1-BA includes 1x Basket B and 1x Basket A. Basket A measures 85mm, basket B measures 131mm, basket C is 178mm, and basket D measures 225mm. This enables the user to mount almost any microphone without renewing the whole windshield.

In addition to the contents of the kits, accessories and spares such as light grey cotton socks and black Merino wool socks are available as options. Along with the accessories and spares listed in the below table, a selection of spare lyres, see RYCOTE SUSPENSIONS AND LYRES, and cables, see RYCOTE CABLES are also available to order.

Accessories and Spares guide

Nano Shield compatibility

Maximum microphone lengths
Microphone compatibility
Manufacturer Model Nano Shield Kit
Audio-Technica AT 4073 NS4-DB
AT 835ST/BP 4029 NS4-DB
AT 897 NS5-DC
Beyerdynamic MCE 85 BA NS5-DC
DPA 4017B NS4-DB
4017C NS2-CA
4018 MMP-ER NS0-AA
4018C NS0-AA
Neumann KM100 series NS1-BA
Rode NTG1 NS4-DB
Sanken CS-1 NS3-CB
CS-3e NS5-DC
CSS-50 (1) NS4-DB
Schoeps CCM NS0-AA
CMC 6 series NS2-CA
CMC 6 w/CUT 60 NS2-CA
CMC 6 w/CUT 1 NS3-CB
CMC-1 w/CUT 1 NS1-BA
CMC-1 w/CUT 60 NS1-BA
CMC6 + Cut NS3-CB
Sennheiser ME66 K6 NS6-DD
MKH 416 NS4-DB
MKH 418 NS5-DC
MKH 8040/MZL (1) NS0-AA
MKH 8040/MZX (1) NS1-BA
MKH 8060 NS3-CB
MKH8060 NS3-CB
Sony ECM 670 NS4-DB

Notes: (1) Kits are supplied with 3-pin XLR cable and therefore included cable may not be compatible with suggested microphone.

Cyclone Windshield

Cyclone introduces advanced design concepts to the traditional basket windshield, using modern materials to create the successor to the Rycote designs familiar since the late 60's. Consisting of a complete windshield and suspension kit, the durable yet lightweight design gives 'category leading wind and shock isolation performance', with the same overall volume yet lighter in weight than an equivalent Rycote modular windshield. The multiple suspensions provide 'complete isolation against handling noise and cable-borne noises, and windshield basket self-noise'.

The microphone is carried in the patented Rycote soft suspension 'lyres', seen before on some of Rycote's later designs, to isolate it from vibration passed from the pole, stand or handle to which it is attached. The suspension is supplied with a short, ultra-soft microphone cable, to avoid these vibrations by-passing the lyres, ready-fitted to the angled XLR-holder below the suspension.

The two-piece windshield surrounds the microphone and is itself mounted on a suspension system, inhibiting vibration from travelling from the boom to the basket and then to the microphone via the air as well as avoiding vibration, picked up by the windshield, transmitting to the primary suspension.

The windshield can be fitted to the suspension in just a few seconds. It locks together using magnets; sprung catches are also provided to prevent the parts separating under extreme acceleration on a boom. The cone-like shape combats standing waves inside the shield; the overall bulk is shifted to the basket front compared to previous designs. The exterior is covered in Rycote's '3D-Tex', a dual-layer synthetic material which combines 'excellent acoustic transparency with superb attenuation of wind noise'. It is resistant to rain, and if it does get wet, the rain may be gently squeezed out; it is possible to dry the cover using a hair-dryer.

The result of all these advances is a combined suspension and windshield, which, as supplied, without fur cover, exceeds the combined wind-noise reduction performance of a Rycote modular-style windshield and fur windjammer, with a considerable increase in transparency and frequency range. The size and weight are similar.

Wind attenuation: 50dB without Windjammer, better than 60dB with Windjammer, measured total power, 10Hz - 20kHz, no weighting, under real wind conditions.
Handling isolation: Typically better than 10dB, dependent on microphone type and LF band shaping.
Frequency response: Substantially flat, 10Hz-20kHz, +0db, -3dB, measured with differential twin microphone technique.

Kit contents: Cyclone suspension, fitted with 72-shore Universal Lyres. Cyclone cable (fitted). Cyclone windshield, Large (consisting of left and right pods). Pair of Universal Lyres, 62-shore, for lightweight microphones. Hex key driver, for adjustment of Lyres.

Optional accessories: Extension handle with soft-grip, 53-288. Small (029103), medium (029102), and large (029101) Cyclone Windjammers are available for use in absolutely extreme conditions.

Cyclone Windshield MS Kit 17

MS Kit 17 has been designed for compatibility with Sennheiser MKH8030 with MKH8040 or MKH8050. Stereo MS Cyclone Kit has 2x MZL connections and 1x XLR5M connection. Note: This windshield is for use without microphone pre-amps.

Cyclone Windshield MS Kit 18

MS Kit 18 has been designed for compatibility with Sennheiser MKH8030 with MKH8040 or MKH8050. Stereo MS Cyclone Kit 18 has 2x XLR3F connections and 1x XLR5M connection. Note: This windshield is for use with microphone pre-amps.

Cyclone Windshield DMS Kit 5

This kit has been designed for compatibility with Sennheiser MKH8030 with MKH8040 or MKH8050. Stereo DMS Cyclone Kit 5 has 3x MZL connections and 1x XLR7M connection. Note: This windshield is for use without microphone pre-amps.

Cyclone Windshield Kit Small

Suitable for microphones from 75mm up to 160mm in length, 19-25mm in diameter, and a 3-pin XLR connector (use 089103) or LEMO connector (use 089104).

Cyclone Windshield Kit Medium

Suitable for short shotgun microphones from 174mm up to 255mm in length, 19-25mm in diameter, and 3-pin XLR connector, and is compatible with microphones including DPA 4017B, 4018A, Neumann KMR 81i, Rode NTG-3, NTG-4, Sennheiser MKH 416, and Sanken CS1, CS2.

Cyclone Windshield Kit Large

Suitable for shotgun microphones from 250mm up to 280mm in length, 19-25mm in diameter, and 3-pin XLR connector, and is compatible with microphones including Audio-Technica BP4073; Sanken CS-2, CS-3e; Schoeps CMIT-5u, SuperCMIT 2U; Sennheiser MKH 416, MKH 60, MKE 600; Neumann KMR 81i; Rode NTG-2, NTG-3.

Modular Windshield Kits

The eight standard sizes of mono Modular Windshield sizes are offered in a complete kit. Each kit includes the correct Modular Suspension fitted into the Modular Windshield (plus extension piece if required) and Windjammer. Each standard modular suspension is now fitted with Universal Lyre clips as standard, and also include a pair of square MKH Lyres clips and a hard-wired Connbox 1, as standard.

Please see the following sections for descriptions of the individual components, and compatibility charts to determine the correct model for the microphone in use.

Included items:

Optional accessories: Alternative Connboxes are available, with various connection formats, to minimise cable-borne noise, and 'Hi Wind' covers are available for additional wind protection.

Modular Windshield compatibility

Note: Some stereo microphones have a single body and fit inside 'mono' width suspensions and windshields.

Important: Small, medium and large in the table equate to 1-module, 2-module and 3-module. Mono XBG is a half module, 'mono' suspension, referred to by Rycote as a Mono Extended Ballgag.

Manufacturer Model Windshield Kit Suspension Connbox Body Extension Windjammer
AKG CK1 451 WS 2 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 2 - WJ 2
CK1 460 WS 2 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 2 - WJ 2
CK91 SE300 B WS 2 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 2 - WJ 2
CK92 SE300 B WS 2 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 2 - WJ 2
CK93 SE300 B WS 2 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 2 - WJ 2
CK61 C460 B WS 3 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 3 - WJ 3
CK63 C460 B WS 3 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 3 - WJ 3
D130 WS 3 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 3 - WJ 3
C568EB WS 4 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 4 - WJ 4
CK68 C460B (1) WS 5 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 4 Extension 1 WJ 5
CK69 C460B (1) WS 5 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 4 Extension 1 WJ 5
CK98 SE300 B WS 5 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 4 Extension 1 WJ 5
CK8 451 WS 6 KIT Large CB 1 WS 4 Extension 2 WJ 6
CK8 460 WS 6 KIT Large CB 1 WS 4 Extension 2 WJ 6
CK68 C460B (2) WS 7 KIT Large CB 1 WS 4 Extension 3 WJ 7
CK69 C460B (2) WS 7 KIT Large CB 1 WS 4 Extension 3 WJ 7
Audio-Technica ATM 33a WS 2 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 2 - WJ 2
AT 4021 WS 2 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 2 - WJ 2
AT 875 WS 3 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 3 - WJ 3
AT 822 WS 3 KIT (8) Medium CB 4 WS 3 - WJ 3
AT 825 WS 3 KIT (8) Medium CB 4 WS 3 - WJ 3
BP 4025 WS 3 KIT (8) Medium CB 4 WS 3 - WJ 3
AT 8022 WS 3 KIT (8) Medium CB 4 WS 3 - WJ 3
AT 875R WS 3 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 3 - WJ 3
AT 4073a WS 4 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 4 - WJ 4
AT 835ST WS 4 KIT (8) Medium CB 4 WS 4 - WJ 4
AT 877 WS 4 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 4 - WJ 4
AT 897 WS 4 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 4 - WJ 4
ATR 55 WS 4 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 3 - WJ 3
ATR 6550 WS 4 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 3 - WJ 3
BP 4073 WS 4 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 3 - WJ 3
BP 4029 WS 4 KIT (8) Medium CB 4 WS 3 - WJ 3
AT 835b WS 6 KIT Large CB 1 WS 4 Extension 2 WJ 6
AT 815ST WS 6 KIT (8) Large CB 4 WS 4 Extension 2 WJ 6
AT 4071a WS 6 KIT Large CB 1 WS 4 Extension 2 WJ 6
BP 4071 WS 6 KIT Large CB 1 WS 4 Extension 2 WJ 6
BP 4027 WS 6 KIT (8) Large CB 4 WS 4 Extension 2 WJ 6
AT 8035 WS 6 KIT Large CB 1 WS 4 Extension 2 WJ 6
AT 815b WS 7 KIT (9) Large CB 2 WS 4 Extension 3 WJ 7
AT 8015 WS 7 KIT Large CB 1 WS 4 Extension 3 WJ 7
AT 4071AL 8 (9) Large CB 2 WS 4 Extension 4 WJ 8
Azden SG(M)-1X WS 4 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 4 - WJ 4
SG(M)-2X (3) WS 6 KIT Large CB 1 WS 4 Extension 2 WJ 6
Beyer M160 WS 2 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 2 - WJ 2
M88 WS 2 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 2 - WJ 2
M201 WS 2 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 2 - WJ 2
MC713/723 WS 2 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 2 - WJ 2
MCE72 WS 3 KIT (8) Medium CB 4 WS 3 - WJ 3
M69 WS 3 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 3 - WJ 3
MC718/728 WS 3 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 3 - WJ 3
MCE 87vs WS 4 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 4 - WJ 4
MC 836 WS 4 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 4 - WJ 4
M58 WS 4 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 4 - WJ 4
MC 716/726 WS 4 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 4 - WJ 4
MC 736 WS 5 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 4 Extension 1 WJ 5
MCE 86 N (C) S WS 5 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 4 Extension 1 WJ 5
MC 837 WS 8 KIT Large CB 1 WS 4 Extension 4 WJ 8
MC 717/727/737 WS 8 KIT Large CB 1 WS 4 Extension 4 WJ 8
ClockAudio C850E WS 4 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 4 - WJ 4
DPA 4006 WS 2 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 2 - WJ 2
4011/4017 WS 3 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 3 - WJ 3
4041-S/4041-SP WS 3 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 3 - WJ 3
Neumann KM 100 series WS 1 KIT Small CB 1 WS 1 - WJ 1
KM 180 series WS 1 KIT Small CB 1 WS 1 - WJ 1
KM 184 WS 1 KIT Small CB 1 WS 1 - WJ 1
KM100F WS 1 KIT Small CB 1 WS 1 - WJ 1
RSM 191 Special Medium (4) - WS 3 - WJ 3
KMR 81i WS 4 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 4 - WJ 4
KMR 82 WS 6 KIT Large CB 1 WS 4 Extension 2 WJ 6
Oktava MC 012 WS 1 KIT Small CB 1 WS 1 - WJ 1
Pearl MS 2/MS 8 Special Medium (4) CB 4 WS 3 - WJ 3
MSH10/20 Special Medium (4) CB 4 WS 3 - WJ 3
Rode NTG-1 WS 3 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 3 - WJ 3
NTG-2/NTG-3 WS 4 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 4 - WJ 4
NT4 Special Medium (4) CB 4 WS 4 - WJ 4
Roland CS-50 WS 3 KIT (8) Medium (4) CB 4 WS 4 - WJ 4
Sanken CS 1 WS 3 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 3 - WJ 3
CMS 2 WS 3 KIT Medium - WS 3 - WJ 3
CMS 7 WS 3 KIT Medium - WS 3 - WJ 3
CS 2 WS 3 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 3 - WJ 3
CMS 9 WS 4 KIT Medium - WS 4 - WJ 4
CS 3 WS 4 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 4 - WJ 4
CSS 5 Special Large (4) CB 4 WS 4 Extension 1 WJ 5
Schoeps CCM CCM41 AB Mono XBG CB 5 AA - WJ AA
CMC MK41 (6) AB Mono XBG CB 5 AA - WJ AA
CMC Series WS 2 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 2 - WJ 2
CMC Series (5) WS 3 KIT Medium CB 1 WS 3 -